Continuous Learning

Individual Skills + Institutional Support = Effective Practice

Create a culture where continuous learning – by individuals and the program – is practiced.

Assess the importance of new political developments

Sign up for a legislative update newsletter from your provider organization, or check one of the Advocacy links often.

Seek out what needs to be changed

Train your staff in NIATx and other Change/Improvement techniques and empower them to make improvements in your organization’s processes without grand re-engineering efforts, to see increases in client retention, third-party billing completion, staff retention and more.

Provide up to date continuous learning opportunities

Keep track of new information coming out of the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services, including their Principles of Care and ever-growing series of Practice Guidance modules, which cover topics such as integrating medication into treatment, working with LGBTQ clients, access for people with disabilities, and relapse response (to name just a few)

Individual training can be an effective tool.

See the Resources section and the Training page on this site for information on: Level of Care meetings, Regional provider meetings, trainings (by groups such as such as the Association for Behavioral Health, Recovery Homes Collaborative, AdCare Educational Institute, Addiction Technology Transfer Centers, etc).