Towards Co-occurring Responsive Care: How to adapt the environment of care using NIATX strategies (632)

Event description
Sponsored by BSAS

Training Description:

In this workshop we consider how structures and processes of treatment can be modified to respond to the predictable issues resulting from co-occurring disorders. In thinking about processes rather than clinical strategies, we identify barriers embedded in our practice and brainstorm modifications to create responsive, and respectful treatment.

Process improvement is a set of strategies for the implementation of quality and process improvements.  Three key strategies will be presented with examples drawn from the presenters work in outpatient and residential treatment: identifying predictable stressors of entering care, generating solutions from staff and clients, and testing out the efficacy of your efforts. There will be two Break Out Room Sessions to apply the strategies to your challenges.


As a result of this workshop, participants will have strategies to engage staff in adapting the flow of treatment.  It is appropriate for those responsible for and interested in improving the client’s experience.  This is not a clinical training and will be more useful for those who have a basic knowledge of common issues arising from trauma. Please feel free to contact the presenters with questions about the goodness of fit for your work by emailing Tommie Ann Bower at

Tommie Bower, MA, & Gabrielle Dean, LICSW, MPH
Event date
Attendance mode
Gina Colon
AdCare Educational Institute